The brief was to respond to a set theme, the main objective being speed. This theme was to design a space which had an awareness to it’s existing surroundings.
The brief was to respond to a set theme, the main objective being speed. This theme was to design a space which had an awareness to it’s existing surroundings.
The brief was to respond to a set theme. This theme was to design a space in the city of London which could be used for urban food production. I chose a derelict space by the docks and created 3 pyramids.
Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat, eros pede semper est, vitae luctus metus libero eu augue. Morbi purus libero, faucibus adipiscing, commodo quis, gravida id, est. Sed lectus. Praesent elementum hendrerit tortor.